documentary short 15.30 min (2015)
dir./dp Marvin Hesse
music Mario A. Schöning
prod. Ute Janssen
Yang Jingli, Zhou Bo, Yang Yunting, He Runcong
Beihang University Beijin & University of Fine Arts Hamburg
Award: Best Documentary – 4th Mumbai Shorts International Filmfestival 2015
A short documentary. Observing citizens in the Beijing subway stare down on their phones, appearing lonely and inaktive. In the same frame the viewer can read massages from wechat. Two layers of different people. A digital Image of the real world and a documented conversation from the digital world. - A insight of todays china and the app centralisation of WeChat.
“This film draws a very authentic picture of a specific moment in time”
Michelle Proksell (Artist & Chinternet Expert)